is a framework for developing multi-user Internet applications.
You can think of it as an Enterprise Application Server
or a new and
improved MUD server, depending on your preference.
Momoko imports various information which exists on the
Internet into a
distributed, object-oriented, virtual filesystem. You
can then export
such information in various ways to the Internet.
Momoko currently ships with modules to import IRC channels
and MH-style
mail archives. So you can both chat and check your e-mail
via Momoko.
Momoko also ships with a MOO-like command set for interacting
with the
object tree and a fully functioning web forum for reading
your mail
archives and posting replies.
In a nutshell, Momoko is a MOO, a web application server,
a threaded
discussion forum, and an IRC client, all at once. And
that's just what's
currently shipping with it. Momoko is, more than anything,
a tool for
building multi-user Internet applications. The currently
shipping ones
were just the first things that I thought of.
Momoko provides a number of useful services for writing
applications. It
provides an object-oriented virtual file system for
organizing your
objects, transparent distributed objects for splitting
applications over
multiple machines, and transparent persistence of your